NONPOINT Releases New Single 'Underdog'

May 21, 2024

NONPOINT has unveiled a new single, "Underdog", along with an accompanying official music video. According to a press release, the song embodies the spirit of perseverance, urging listeners to embrace their underdog status and defy expectations.

NONPOINT frontman Elias Soriano states: "Being the underdog doesn't mean you're defeated; it means you have more room to surprise everyone with your resilience and determination."

The music video, directed by Drew Johnston, complements the song's empowering message and can be seen below.

In a recent interview with DJ Force X, Elias confirmed that he and his NONPOINT bandmates were working on a full-length studio album after focusing on a series of EPs over the last couple of years. He said: "It's been three years since we put out a full-length; we'll be tapping on four years here shortly. So, for us, it's just time. It's time for us. We normally put — year after year, there was constantly music coming out, and I feel like with the EPs, we got a chance to fool around with some styles and play with some themes and entertain our fans outside of the normal NONPOINT brand. And I think now it's time to kind of pull it in and put a body of work together that people ask for from our group.

"We're creators, and we're constantly creating, so we're sitting on a ton of music," he explained. "It's just about which ones kind of work together and kind of fit together and we wanna finally put together into a body of work."

Soriano also discussed NONPOINT's decision to launch its independent record label 361 Degrees Records LLC after working with other record labels for most of the band's two-and-a-half-decade-plus career. He said: "Yeah, it's a workload. It's definitely a workload. You got the creative side and the administrative side and juggling it both is about putting people that you trust and putting at least some sort of plan and even a small team behind things that need to be recirculated back into the brand and checked on and nurtured, like our socials or like our merch store and things like that. So, we definitely try to get some sort of administrative plan and team behind those certain things so that way they're kind of running on autopilot. So that way, when we wanna do grand things within the label plan, it's easy for us to do and take on those projects within the label."

After DJ Force X applauded the "DIY" nature of running an independent record label with no external pressure, Elias clarified: "There's definitely really no outside influence, but I wouldn't call it just DIY, because I have to give credit where credit's due. We have people that we've brought on that we work together. We see the value in the NONPOINT brand. And where we see that we can grow and we wanna scale, we lean on professionals and get advice and get plans and get things calendared so that way we have a finish line that we try to aim at. And I think that, being smart with your team, being smart with your plan is paramount to surviving, especially today."

Last December, Soriano told "Cutter's Rockcast" about the decision to work on a full-length album next: "I think we've kind of felt out the crowd, felt out the fans in our independence right now and have just a clear mind of what we feel like we wanna do that is not only gonna connect with us, but we feel like will translate to the fans. Just fooling around with some different styles, some riskier things that we've really held back, when we were either with the label or just concentrating on writing a certain type of song versus just writing a song."

Last July, NONPOINT released a new single, "A Million Watts", via 361 Degrees Records. The track, which was produced by Chris Collier, who has previously worked with KORN and WHITESNAKE, among other bands, was the third single from NONPOINT's latest "Heartless" EP, which came out in November. The EP was made available digitally and as a limited-edition cassette along with a NONPOINT-branded cassette player.

Three years ago, NONPOINT launched 361 Degrees Records and filmed the process, along with documenting the making of new music, in a docu-series titled "A Path To Independence" that can be seen on the band's YouTube and official web site.

In December 2021, NONPOINT released its previous EP, "Ruthless". This followed their independent label plan of delivering music to their fans through more frequent releases and videos from the band.

NONPOINT's songs "Bullet With A Name", "Alive And Kicking", "In The Air Tonight", "Circles", "Your Signs", "Everybody Down" and many others have been featured in trailers, hit movies, television, iconic video games, as well as broadcasts from NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, WWF.

NONPOINT has toured with major acts like DISTURBED, PAPA ROACH, MUDVAYNE and SEVENDUST, to name a few. They have also been featured on the main stages and support stages of iconic festivals like Soundwave, Rock Am Park, Rock Am Ring, Ozzfest, Rock On The Range, Welcome To Rockville and many more.

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